Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lift Your Vision

In "Pilgrim's Progress" by John Bunyan, we meet many interesting characters, including the man with the muckrake, who was so focused on cleaning up a mess that he missed seeing a valuable treasure. Church can be like that sometimes, especially for pastors. It seems we have to spend far too much time cleaning up the messes of others, when what we really want to do is to get about the mission of proclaming and demonstrating the Good News of the Gospel.

If we're not careful, we began to focus so much on the mess that we can lose sight of the mission, and miss seeing the God of the mission. Don't obsess on the mess. Sure, there are always problems to deal with, and sometimes there are "problem people" who seem to take delight in making trouble.

However, we must not forget the "hope of our calling" and the One who has given it. We need to be refreshed in the Father's love, and in His love for His people. We must not let a few troublemakers define the flock for us in our hearts and minds. Most of the people in our congregations are wonderful people who love God and love His servants. We cannot let our anger or frustrations with a few cause us to lose sight of that.

The temptation is to either lash out in hot anger and colorful expletives or to retreat into a fetal position of failure and depression. Neither option is particularly good.

It's easy to focus on the troublemakers, and there is a time to confront them and clean up their messes. But we need to ask God for grace to keep our focus on Him and on the fruitful people in our midst - the people who will blossom if we will give them attention, encouragement, and inspiration. Maybe it's time to lift your vision to see the One Who has promised to give us abundant grace, wisdom, and provision. You have more allies than you might think!

I'm having to re-learn that this week after God gave me an attitude adjustment yesterday. I was starting to obsess over a few "stiff-necked" folk and forgetting about the great friends that I have standing beside me - the ones who pray for my family and I, who love us unconditionally, and who have stood with us in the midst of the fire...and the ones who are just starting to bloom.

It's an ongoing battle in my heart and mind - a battle for my focus, and a great test in terms of my leadership and discernment.

Pray for me, and I'll pray for you.

- Rev X

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Twitter Will Never be the Same

Reverend X has joined the Twitter Revolution! Tweet all about it. I know, I'm a couple of years behind the times, but at least I'm not on MySpace! Of course, many will ask, "Can a Facebook page be far behind?"

You can follow me on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/REALReverendX. This will distinguish me from all of the faux Reverend X characters out there and certifies that I am a genuine pseudonym for a real person who is not named "Reverend X." Got it?

And, I want to apologize to my loyal readers for the slow pace of my blogging. I will do my best to step up the pace a bit. The truth is, it's been a pretty hard year for my family and I thus far, and this has slowed me down in a lot of areas. But, as T.D. Jakes says, "The greater the pressure, the greater the treasure." Perhaps all of the hardships will give me more insight to write.

Is it possible to always "keep the faith" when times are tough? I don't know. But I'm really thankful that the faith has kept me! I love the lyric from "In Christ Alone" by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend which says:

No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
'Til He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand!

When we don't have anything else, Jesus is more than enough! I pray that whoever you are, and wherever you are, you will find strength and encouragement in Him to do what He has called you to do.